Pecky Yin - Your conscience is gay (2021)
It's very rare for me to review 'contemporary' music, what with me being old, dead, and made up, but sometimes a debut album comes along that literally shakes you back into life with its sheer debutness.
One such relentless debut in 2021 was debuted by Mongolian songstress Pecky Yin and while this is technically her third release, it's the first release to be released outside of the street markets of Ulaanbaatar, where debut releases retail at prices well North of five shillings. And they don't even use shillings in Mongolia, except when buying Pecky Yin albums which may or not be debut releases, obviously.
If that all sounds monumentally confusing, you probably shouldn't listen to Your conscience is gay. It makes a musical statement as bewildering as it is powerful, and as statementlike as it is musical.
The question isn't whether or not you actually like Mongolian folk music - it's whether you even believe in it or not. And if you do not, why not?
There are rumours that Yin died shortly before her debut album was released and indeed strong evidence that she was dead before it was even recorded.
Disappointing news for fans expecting more music from Pecky Yin beyond 2021. It's the equivalent of changing all your money into Mongolian Tögrögs and finding out that the stall only accepts shillings.
- Пеки Инийн дуртай монгол ардын дуунууд (2018, Monoglia only)
- Pecky Yin-ээс илүү олон монгол ардын дуу (2019, Mongolia only)
- Your conscience is gay (2021)
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