Spare Turkey - A-hole in a K-hole (2012)

Spare Turkey are due to release their 4th album 'Going Flaccid' next month, 15 years after their 2007 debut, and more than 2000 years after the birth of Christ.

This may or may not be relevant, but then isn't that the point? Really?

A band that releases an album once every five years only needs to be relevant once every five years, ideally around the time when the album is released. But relevance has never mattered to Spare Turkey who continue to ply their effortless fusion of pub-rock, techno beats and Victorian cradle-songs with consummate quinquenniality. 

Anyone expecting a live gig will be disappointed - they have performed live only once in all of history - but those unfamiliar with the band could do a lot worse than check out their 2012 effort 'A-Hole in a K-Hole' which broke new ground, refurbished the ground that had been broken, and then broke it again, in the words of guitarist Paul Flounce, 'for the shitting hell of it'.

Bassist Len Kenson, now better known for his work with The Menace, only plays on three of the 12 tracks, but his contribution is immeasurable, if your definition of 'immeasurable' is 'approximately 25%', while percussionist Peter 'The Speeter' Peterson saves his most flavoursome work for the closing lullaby 'Goodnight Vienna (You Bitch)' which wouldn't be the same without his eleven minute Castanet solo.

Other highlights include 'Save me from this twine', a collaboration with label-mates The Hispanic Spatulas, and of course the bittersweet 'Confess your hypocrisy' which sees guitarist Flounce take the lead vocal and suffer an oesophageal hernia in the studio while blurting out the line 'Don't go to Sainsburys; she might be there'.

Powerful stuff.



 "It's April, It's Autumn, You suffered from lice, but I caught 'em.

You still wear that Bandana I bought you, not that often, maybe you have too many bandanas you need to sort 'em?

Remember that boy you didn't like? And that other boy you didn't like? Also, that girl you didn't like?

Don't go to Sainsburys; she might be there,

Or possibly she is elsewhere, but better not to take the risk, even though, on balance, the chance are that she is elsewhere."



  • Spare Turkey (2007)
  • A-Hole in a K-Hole (2012)
  • What the butler smelt (2017)
  • Going Flaccid (forthcoming)




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